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I help women 40+, providing spiritual support from love, combining logic and emotion, in an adventure from within with tangible and holistic results to solve their problems, so they can develop their potential without feeling alone. 

Personal Holistic Development


Individual Sessions

You will have your money back if you don't find a way of solving your problem within the first 4 sessions.

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Face Reading

Online fun in the practical workshop to know yourself and those you really love by interpreting face factions.

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Coming Soon... Sexuality in the Pandemic

Discover and increase pleasure for yourself and for who you love through tips and old forgotten techniques.

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Coming Soon... The Art of Winning

The most exclusive workshop that will allow you to always find victory despite the circumstances.

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Acerca de mí

Creador del método de terapia GENEL. Como el primer (y único) Consultor Espiritual de Aventura, soy un Guía respecto a cualquier tema desde un punto de vista introvertido, espiritual y amoroso. Utilizo ambos hemisferios cerebrales, convirtiendo la capacitación empresarial en algo emocionante y visionario, y el desarrollo espiritual lo explico con pasos lógicos y concretos.
